(909) 860-9222

Diamond Bar Office

(714) 898-8757

Garden Grove Office

Treating Gum Recession With The PST™

garden grove pst

When someone develops periodontal disease, the disease could eventually cause the gums to recede. The recession then leads to major complications, including an increased risk of tooth loss. Our periodontal practice maintains offices in Garden Grove and Diamond Bar, CA can provide a minimally invasive and effective treatment with the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™).

The Causes of Gum Recession

When we develop periodontal disease, the issue will grow in severity with time. What starts with soreness and redness can soon progress to bleeding and even gum recession. As your tissues recede, this exposes sensitive portions of the tooth structure, increasing the risk of concerns like tooth decay and dental infection. You’re also more likely to develop periodontitis, the advanced stage of the issue that is linked to tooth loss. Your smile’s appearance changes too, making teeth appear longer and uneven. Our team can offer a treatment to manage the disease and restore the gum tissues, a conversative and minimally invasive option known as the Pinhole Surgical Technique™.

The Pinhole Surgical Technique

Unlike traditional gum grafts, we don’t need to take tissues from other parts of your smile and there is no need for scalpels or sutures. Instead, our team will create a minuscule pinhole in the tissues. Collagen may be inserted into the pinhole, and then special tools are employed to reposition and manipulate the gum tissues to cover the exposed portions of the teeth. Dr. Kim can even address multiple portions of your smile, treating several recessed areas in a single visit and limiting how long you need to be in the chair for treatment.

The Benefits of the Procedure

The procedure doesn’t require sutures or scalpels, so it heals quickly. Most people return to normal activities after a day or two of rest, in comparison a traditional gum graft could require two weeks of recovery. Patients see immediate results without excessive swelling, bleeding, or discomfort. We can ensure your gum line has proper symmetry, so you enjoy a more attractive smile. Being minimally invasive also means there is no risk of damage to healthy tissues, and again, promotes a faster healing period.

If you have any questions about how we restore receding gums with the PST™ system, then please reach out to our team today. We’re ready to help you enjoy a healthier and more attractive smile!

Talk To Your Garden Grove, CA Dental Office About the PST™

We want to offer care to manage your periodontal side and protect your smile from major complications. To find out more about treating your receding gum tissues, call our Garden Grove, CA periodontal practice today at (714) 898-8757. Treating your periodontal concerns not only improves smile beauty, but also protects your smile’s stability too.